Building Resilience To Adversity Conditioning Facts
Our ability to notice how our emotions and thoughts are either getting in our way or helping us thrive is critical to our resilience and success. Resilience does not mean being happy all the time. The art and science of resilience is the ability to intentionally experience the right emotion at the right time.
Resilience to stress and adversity is a buildable skill, yet most of our population has only a thin understanding of how to go about doing so. Studies show that most organizations underinvest in resiliency. And while many people believe they are highly resilient, studies reveal less than 20% truly are. In our often volatile, uncertain world, people need greater resilience now more than ever.
Resilience training enables us to manage stress and adversity more effectively. Our degrees of situational resilience (combined with emotional intelligence factors) impact just about everything we do, from our interactions and relationships, to learning, to innovativeness, to decision making, culture atmosphere and teamwork. Whether labeled resilience, mental strength or well-being, sufficient degrees of resilience is critical to functioning and performing at our best.
Studies and experience confirm the more strategies a person has learned to consistently apply, the benefits to their overall resilience and well-being more readily accumulate and are apt to be sustained.
Resilience conditioning through strategy application expands our “productive stress” zone. And greater resilience conditioning enables us to more readily and rapidly recognize and respond to stress overload conditions and get us back to our productive stress management levels).
If you want to dramatically enhance you own, your teams or your families ability to handle higher levels of stress and adversity, reach out to me at: I have just the differentiating program for you. Ready if you are.