leadership development culture resiliency


Program Enhancement: Building Deeper Resilience - Ask For An Overview

Motivational And Educational Workshop And Assessment Sessions

Perhaps start with a team culture assessment. You want to become the “A Team” in the chart, right? Exceptional A Team cultures do not form on their own. They are purposefully built and perform upwards of 30% better. I use a time tested and proven series of methods and models to help you define, build and sustain an exceptional culture that will inspire, ignite and amplify your teams talent. There is no one factor or magic formula that will achieve this, rather, the combination of the right behavioral strategies applied systematically. Reach out to me now, even just to have a conversation.

Overview Sessions

You may select topics from the below program brochure and I will facilitate a highly informative, 45 minute developmental training and exploratory session. The session will be interactive, motivational and action oriented. The topics are integrated as a true system, which makes for greater retention and immediate applicability. This program is Next Level Leader focused, meaning that it will both enable and challenge you to stay on that continuous developmental path.

The overview session alone will elevate your skills and developmental focus as a leader. I can assure you of that. You have everything to gain.

Below Is The Brochure Of A One-Of-A-Kind System That Will Change How You Lead!!

NEW Program Assessment Tool

Comprehensive leadership assessment tool NOW AVAILABLE! The tool assesses across all program modules, upwards of 100 skill and behavioral areas. Essential tool for an organization and/or team to get a up-front baseline or ongoing assessment of application of essential leadership influence principles, skills and behavioral areas. Facilitates focused leadership team improvement action planning. Reach out NOW for additional information and customized pricing.


High-energy, interactive, educational, entertaining, action-oriented and motivational - the one-of-a-kind program sessions use team building and role playing to immerse participants in real life experiences while connecting specific proven strategies, skills, and behaviors. All my sessions integrate and systematically train you how to become more effective on a continuum skill wise. All content is grounded in proven research, studies and experiential practices combined with my own diverse experiences, whether the session is on leadership development, culture values or building personal resiliency to life’s challenges. Sessions are personalized, but typically 60 to 120 minutes at length, on average; other formats optional. Workbooks and pre-work are distributed in a digital format to participants in advance. Various forms of self-assessments are also provided digitally in advance.

We can discuss what it takes to certify you as a “train the trainer” to be able to bring this developmental training to others in your organization.



Culture Development Process-Enables an organization or team to define values and behaviors required to purposefully build an exceptional, high performing culture.  This is a essential part of getting the organization to “believe” in the vision. Requires advance collection of culture information from participants to develop behavioral and skill strategies and action plans for in session discussions. This provides you a common language of culture that every organization must have.

Culture Assessment Process-For organizations that have been focusing purposefully on building a culture, but are not quite there yet, I have a highly effective tool and process that will help you. It will help you take a progress checkpoint and identify specific areas that require more focus. I can then work with you on developing strategies, actions and education necessary to accelerate getting you there.


Systematic leadership development and organizational change management training. There is no formula for managing your life, but a simple heuristic looks like this: Influence = Managing Yourself + Building Trust * Culture. There are layers of best-practice, experience based actions under each variable.

The standard program is seven module-based sessions. Positive mindset, character strengths, self-awareness/emotional management (emotional IQ), interaction style adapting, communication strategies, relationship and trust and high performing team chemistry are session modules. This enables your organization to have a common language of what it means to lead, influence and work together. Every organization must have this to maximize their talent. This is REAL, game changing personal development!

Organizational change is often the most challenging, complex and overlooked area. Being an effective change leader is what can overcome this-which is what this training enables. It involves engaging the workforce and teams, changing mindsets and behaviors and skillfully gaining the fullest commitment. The change workshop is customizable to the organizations needs, culture, leadership style and involves use of a proven change nine element change model that assures a high degree of successful change assessment and implementation. The model covers not only goals, outcomes and program management, but also the often overlooked areas such as readiness assessments, awareness planning, culture changes, leadership development and other training needs needs and finally conflict management.


Resiliency occurs not simply from just experience, but from how we can be best prepared to cope with those events as they occur. It requires a mindset of commitment to build up this mental muscle. When challenging and difficult life events occur, if we don’t cope well, we can’t and won’t function well.

Strong resiliency precedes strong performance. Let that sink in.

This program uses a comprehensive, proven and integrated model for adversity, anxiety, stress and forms of depression, behavioral management methods and coping skill training. The program methods can benefit anyone from youth to adults. It provides countless methods that can prepare us in advance of those difficult moments and enhance our overall well-being and life satisfaction over time. The strategies are used in higher education, by the U.S. Military and professional sports.

Organizations that have implemented this see major benefits in the areas of stress and anxiety reduction and overall more positive well-being with greater accomplishments. The standard program is five module-based sessions.

Topics areas covered in depth are: managing positive emotions, how to define and stay immersed in goals we are passionate about, building and leveraging strong relationships, having meaning and purpose in our work, serving others and finally, mindset and goal oriented achievement. All of the critical social-emotional learning (SEL as referred to by some schools) aspects are incorporated into this five session program.


Designed for any of the above topics to meet parent education needs. Many of us (includes me at one point), never received formal leadership development or had to teach/coach it in our various contexts. As a result, the training we are providing students and student athletes may not be clear or as connected at home and in family time, as it should be. The parent sessions will help to make those connections on specific life or resiliency skills we are teaching while at school that must be reinforce at home. These same skills and methods are highly useful at home or on the job. It all connects and is universally beneficial in all situations, including benefiting parents in their respective roles as well.


Designed for any of the above topics to meet developmental needs of a specific team or individual. I love doing these sessions as they lift up the leaders (teacher, coach, business executive) and their team as one through the experience. It enables teams to create the space to have critical conversations that I find few have ever conducted prior. It allows teams to see a new side of each other that benefits everyone through gaining greater appreciation, respect and trust. These sessions are typically custom designed with the topic content integration and situations based upon the unique conditions a team is dealing with. For examples, the situations could be a lack of team culture values, or trust or wanting to develop a high performing team chemistry. I will work with you to create an awesome, game changing program for your team.

With individual sessions, I use a comprehensive, highly focused assessment tool to gain clarity of specific areas of need for mindset, behavioral or skill building and lasting change.


Motivational and educational sessions for any program, event and conference. These sessions are great opportunities to gain a new perspective and insights as a larger group. The combination of education and inspiration has a very powerful effect and often create a jumping off point for continuing the dialogue that may not have occurred prior. I work with you on the design and format that will create an awesome, energizing and memorable experience.