leadership development culture resiliency


2025 Session Events & Announcements

Start your leadership teams year with investing in one of the below HIGH IMPACT areas early in 2025.

  • Coaching Mastery Training - Everyone is a form of a coach. Master the best practice principles.

  • Emotional Resiliency Program - Our ability to handle increasing amounts of stress and adversity is everything.

  • Positive Mindset Management Program - Mindset is foundation to development and success in life - individually and at a team level.

Team training and 1:1 coaching sessions now being offered at packaged rates. Inquire for further information. NOW is always the right time. Don’t wait.

Reach out for a no cost overview session.

Informational overview sessions on the following topics can be scheduled upon request:

  • Purposefully building a high performance, values based culture - The best way to maximize talent and achieve consistent performance

  • Leadership influence development - A proven, comprehensive, systematic MBA class system with over 200 best practice behavior actions and principles

  • Understanding and intentional use of character strengths

  • Emotional resiliency to life’s stress and anxiety - Using a highly proven model that offers over 50 strategies and methods

  • Equality and equity leadership training (this training integrates the leadership program, yielding a high ROI for the investment)

    Contact me ASAP with interest at: slavinskijack@gmail.com. This will be the most valuable investment you will ever make for your organization/business/unit/school/team/ministry.