leadership development culture resiliency

Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Achieving Leadership Mastery Starts Here

To Gain Maximum Attention And Retention

When designing developmental training, there are many factors. Those of you who teach and train others know this. Reality is that every person has the opportunity to teach and train. The question becomes, are you design your training in a contemporary manner that holds attention and gets retention? There is no shortage of content out there on ANY subject in any discipline-business, academics, athletics or ministry, but is it packaged up in an exceptional manner and communicated most adaptively and effectively?

Here’s how the factors that go into exceptional training:

Content that is research based, relevant, up-to-date and practical. Not theory. Not “once size fits all”.

How the content is integrated in a systematic manner, again to maximize retention for immediate use through many diverse situations.

Delivering the content in a interactive, motivational manner-adapting communication to the audience. Engagement is critical. If someone wanted a “Ted Talk”, that’s where they would go rather than to you.

Once last point, just because you have a higher level of competency in what you do, doesn’t give you the right to speak in an ego like tone.

So that’s how our programs are designed and delivered. Every one of us, in any capacity and role-youth to adult, is in a teaching role. Reflect on your practices and how you can apply some of this.

The goal is to create a great experience for others around us and proper execution of this will do just that.

if you would like to hear more, please reach out.

Jack Slavinski