Control Your Purpose
Focus on what you can control and accept what you can not. Trying to control situations that you have no influence over will only create more stress and anxiety. You know you CAN control how you "think" about your situations. Do so. MINDSET!
Design your days structure, tasks and time management with a PURPOSE. Purpose fuels well-being, heath and achievement, It can build up your positive resources and a resiliency buffer.
Avoid drifting and complacency in how you use your day. What do you want your days outcome to be? What would define a positive, successful day (when you reflect back on your PURPOSE)? Create a checklist of activities and feel the positive effects of checking things off your list.
You might be in physical "isolation" due to the virus, but you know you have relationships that you can call up and lean upon. Do so. Make it one of your PURPOSES to reach out to family and friends.