leadership development culture resiliency

Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Achieving Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Staying Hungry

Earlier this year, I had a leadership program kickoff at a large high school, involving their athletic directors, coaches (many who are teachers at this school) and student athletes. The focus of this session was on positive mindsets and purposeful culture development. Yesterday, I experienced the very same effect at the kickoff session at a global manufacturing firm.

What impressed me about these sessions, was how hungry they were for personal, team and organizational development. You can see it in their focus. You can here it in their responses to questions. It’s evident in the energy and participation they displayed during the group interaction work around starting to develop some culture change themes and values. Their “thank you” was expressive. I was highly impressed. I’ve done hundreds of sessions around these topics and just LOVE to see this impact.

It’s a powerful reminder that when we stay hungry, we focus, develop and achieve more at a higher rate! Who doesn’t want or need that? It fuels our confidence and helps build a form of mental strength.

Every organization-schools, athletics or business should have that “hungry” mindset for always being committed to personal development/growth, never being “done” or accepting “good enough” and always ready for more. Our world needs more of this attitude. In today’s highly competitive, dynamic and challenging environment, when we are not growing ( “good enough”), we are likely losing group and build a habit of becoming complacent. There is always something to learn. Leonardo Da Vinci started his day be listing what he wanted to learn. What a great way to prime and drive our day.

Jack Slavinski