Leadership Is A Transfer Of Beliefs, Through Influence
All leaders must gain belief in their teams and from their teams in the mission. Belief creates high confidence and commitment on the journey. To gain sustaining belief, requires exceptional influence.
Leaders (every person of influence in any role, at any age) who know how to influence effectively can accomplish great success with and through their teams. Influence requires having trust, through caring and supportive relationships, built using an adaptive communication style that resonates and connects with others. Keeping trust requires situational and proper use of your character strengths, relationships and role proficiency.
Gaining organizational/team/individual belief in the vision, mission, strategies and plan is of paramount importance. We often overlook the motivational force multiplier effect of gaining belief. Science helps us understand that when we BELIEVE deeply in a cause, our brain will seek to filter our thoughts and behaviors to continue to want to confirm and live out that belief. This creates a positive confirmation bias that then show’s itself through ones focus, passion, commitment, perseverance, adaptability and actions.
When a person or team BELIEVES in you and the mission and BELIEVE in their ability to make a difference with the mission, they will seek to BELIEVE in the importance of putting in the consistent effort towards achieving the mission. Believe and achieve is the right way to think about it.
Gain belief, whether it be in a family, a ministry, a school, sport or business. Know that this will only come through your effective influencing skills, starting with having a mindset of knowing you NEED to think this way and build a culture of BELIEVERS.