Mindset Download & Mental Framing
Mindset is a word that has grown in popularity (according to google, the word use has grown by 4X over 20 years). However, I still find that many to most of us are not taking full advantage of it though.
To be clear-mindset is not just about behaviors. Rather, it starts with beliefs, which lead to values (here priorities), then attitudes and ultimately behaviors. If you want to get a new behavior, word backwards to beliefs.
Each of us has the ability to “download”, so to speak, the kind of mindsets we need to best face the situations in front of us. Thinking of mindset as simply “growth” or “fixed” are over generalizing the value and potential of what mindset can do to fuel and inspire our situational awareness and condition management. Mindset in reality is 1000’s of situationally relevant things. Be more granular and not general here.
In conjunction with mindset, is our need to “frame” the situations we face in the right way that is most productive. Choosing to assess a situation as an opportunity for learning or a new experience is highly important and useful for managing interactions and growth. When we are faced with an adverse condition, we have every opportunity to look at it (“reframe”) it in a more useful, forward thinking manner.
The power of intentionally managing your mindset and framing life’s situations in useful ways, is essential for us to have productive relationships, deal with conflict and develop new skills.