Often enough, during sessions or conversations, the topic comes up of “how does one or that person seem to have more natural interpersonal or leadership skills”. Very few skills come naturally in life. Developmental gains come from key factors such as: putting in the effort, staying focused and positive, being adaptable, resilient and persevering. Yes, there is some DNA influence, but we should NEVER rest solely on that inheritance + or -. Research and studies confirm this. So does historical analysis of people who seemed to have acquired great talents and skills.
There is however, one additional key factor, and that is the degree one was “coached” in life and how early an age did that start. Studies again show that individuals who received more comprehensive, routine and effective coaching from parents, family, friends, sports coaches, teachers, business colleagues and ministers, developed at a much higher rate.
You are probably aware of the growth of the personal coaching industry which is further testimony to the perceived value.
All this implies that one is indeed coachable, believes in the value and has a mindset of “never finished” and “I can always improve”. That positive/growth mindset primes and fuels ones developmental engine for that willingness to be coached. Notice I said willingness. All of us have the ability, but it takes a willingness and interest to be coached, take feedback and apply it situationally.
In whatever role you are in, have a willingness to be coached and take the time to thoughtfully coach others.
If you are interested in my coaching system, which largely resembles my organization/team leadership development system and program, please reach out to me.