Importance Of Emotional IQ
In conjunction with ones’ mindset, self-awareness and emotional management are foundational skills that are critical to leadership influence, developing oneself and motivating others. Self-awareness and emotional management impact how we choose to most effectively communicate, which is a key element to creating positive relationships and trust.
When we are not sufficiently self-aware or emotionally regulated, we may not sufficiently adapt our communication style and other behaviors. We might just go on autopilot and rely on our old habits, which might be most easy, but not correct for the situation and with a negative, non-motivational impact on others. We might fall into negative thinking traps that contribute to an emotional downward spiral.
The other important connection with self-awareness and emotional management is coping with and managing through levels of stress, anxiety and forms of depression. None of us can perform at our best in that condition. None of this will fuel our emotional resiliency tanks.
Here are several (only a small subset) useful improvement actions:
Have the right mindset about this (meaning, this is important and I can improve)
Become more self aware
Manage your thought processes and self talk
Insert a pause if you find it difficult to control your emotions
Reflect on your behaviors
Take an emotional IQ assessment.