Finding Your "Why"-Part One
We can achieve our greatest success, achievement and overall well-being in life through finding meaning and purpose in our work. Meaning is intrinsic to each of us. It’s what fuels our core, gets our attention, gives us passion and is deeply personal. It propels us forward with optimism and energy. Purpose is extrinsic and overall is about our impact to the world around us and how we might serve others. The combination of meaning and purpose holistically creates that greater sense of accomplishment, fulfillment and overall better health. We will be more positive and optimistic. It fuels our emotional resiliency reserves so we can tap into them when adversity and stress hit.
However, when we lack meaning, we may feel distress, emptiness and boredom. We may lack purpose and that can lead to forms of depress, chronic complaining and relationship issues. This can also lead to forms of substance abuse. All this only drains and creates a downward negative spiral on our emotional resiliency reserves.
Many people in our world are seeking meaning and purpose and have yet to find it. It can take years and maybe a life time. Our calling potentially has not yet been presented to us. With all that, it is highly important to find fulfillment and joy, even in ones current role and tasks-as this may be a pathway to finding greater meaning and purpose in our roles in life.
There are proven techniques and actions that can be taken to explore finding what gives us meaning and purpose, our “why” am I here and doing what I do. I will explore those topics and actions next.