Our youth are facing unprecedented levels of stress, anxiety, negative emotions and various forms of depression. EVERY school needs a social-emotional learning program NOW. There is no lack of quantified evidence.
What is lacking is swifter progress in our proactively equipping our youth with positive, education based “thinking processes” and behavioral skills that enable them to better self-manage through these difficult situations. The conditions they face are often outpacing our local in-school abilities to effectively provide counsel and real solutions beyond a relationship.
I have developed an integrated program AND implementation model with proven best-practice methods and strategies that can positively benefit our students, providing them effective resiliency building coping skills.
The last 15 years of positive psychology has been shifting to provide us confirming research studies and compelling science-based strategies from several prominent universities such as Pennsylvania and Yale Universities. The focus is shifting from just treating everything as disorders to keeping us positive and bringing out the good in us. The proven strategies and methods can help our youth navigate through adverse conditions and improve their overall well-being. It will also positively impact the academic and athletic performance. At the same time, these same strategies benefit administration, teachers and coaches.
A key difference here with this program is that it is developed as a true system of proven (not theoretical) methods, as opposed to disparate, independent topics.
The resiliency and coping strategies are grounded in the following five, integrated model areas:
Managing Positive Emotions
Character Strengths
Emotional Management
Thinking Traps
Goal Setting
Strength Use
Trusting Relationships
Conflict Management
Constructive Responding
Cultivating Purpose
Serving Others
Pursuit of Goal-Oriented Success
Strength Use
I have integrated these strategies into a comprehensive, action oriented, multi-session program series and have been implementing at several central Ohio schools and with my Ohio State University students through my leadership classes. I am open to alternative program implementation formats if that is more efficient.