leadership development culture resiliency

Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Achieving Leadership Mastery Starts Here

The Power Of Honest Feedback and Accountability

Two of the most important individual and team performance principles are feedback and accountability. Two words: feedback and accountability, are words that we love to use, but clearly do not apply consistently or deeply enough. We are stuck in centuries old practices of providing or taking in feedback only on the big or bad stuff. We also often blame our behaviors and resulting performance on individuals or factors outside our control.

During my sessions, I often ask for a show of hands of those who feel they receive frequent enough feedback. Few hands are raised. That is a consistent condition over the years and 100’s of sessions.

Also during sessions, I ask “how many times did you hear BE ACCOUNTABLE, yet nothing was said to elaborate on what that means. “ The rare few have heard any form of elaboration.

I see lots of opportunities for individuals and teams to grow and change and when I penetrate what a major roadblock or root cause is, I find it to be scarce feedback and a lack of willingness to deal with the conflict that can arise with holding someone accountable to their job, goals or standards.

And I also see this in families where members are allowed to behave poorly, yet receive weak feedback on their ill behaviors-often because family members believe the conflict that will likely arise is not worth it. Yet, we talk about that family member behind their back?

I ask that you reflect on your feedback and accountability practices. Are you really open to taking in honest feedback? Are you willing to provide others candid feedback? Would you rather talk about individuals behind their backs, rather than address the accountability issue or situation with them?

Think about it…are you part of the problem or can you be more of a solution?

Jack Slavinski