leadership development culture resiliency

Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Achieving Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Self-doubt Is Not A Competency

So don’t allow it to be. Most if not everyone feels doubtful about various situations at various times. The most confident, bold and experienced individuals feel it. Self-doubt is an emotional feeling, not a competency or skill. The more you allow it in when it knocks on your doorstep, the stronger it will become and become a “go to” emotion and a messenger of other emotions. It will be invoked more routinely and even impulsively.

When doubt shows up on your doorstep, don’t let it in. Dismiss and deny it from entering your self-talk track. Have a strategy that you use to redirect those doubtful thoughts. Remind yourself of the experience you already have where doubt is seeping in. Experience is a confidence boost. Use positive affirmations (I can overcome this or no way do I deserve to feel this way). Use your character strengths and values to channel your focus and energy.

Don’t allow doubt through your door step. It doesn’t deserve the attention it is seeking. Deny it from entering your story in the situation you are facing.

Jack Slavinski