leadership development culture resiliency

Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Achieving Leadership Mastery Starts Here

Assessing Leadership Strengths & Intentions

It's difficult to evaluate the ability a leader. There is no one factor. There has never been only one factor. It's complex and it's not as if we were taught how to evaluate leadership back in school days. There's no "checklist" (nor can there be-as leadership is highly situational).

A useful way to assess a leaders effectiveness is to observe their intentions. Are they in it to add value to others lives & make them better OR in it for more self serving, command & control purposes? We can observe this thru their communication patterns & actions over time. Pay attention to that. Pay attention to your own.

However, there is character & consistent use & portrayal of a persons character strengths. We can evaluate the core of the person. The core of their identity.

Character strengths fuel us in virtually every way. They are the basis for our identity. They drive many, if not all of our behaviors.

To assess someone in this context, use the proven 24 character strengths VIA model. They have spent the past 20 years identifying the true 24 strengths of character. Each of use have them (24), with greater emphasis on some versus others. It’s often misuse of strengths that makes for us portraying an intent that does not benefit others. Self awareness (and feedback) can be our best friend here.

Jack Slavinski